What's Happening

Special Dates:

Food Pantry, will be posting dates soon.

Men's Prayer Meeting, No Meeting Scheduled for December

Women's Prayer Meeting,  No Meeting Scheduled for December

January 19, 2025, Baby Day, All babies born in 2024 will be recognized.
Please turn in 5 pictures to Rhonda Brown by Dec. 31, 2024
Please list babies name, DOB, and parents' names.

The Beech Fork Focus is for everyone's benefit. If you have an item you would like published, or have an idea for a monthly addition, please approach either Rhonda Brown or Roger Compton to let us know. You can leave a note in my church mailbox or contact me (Roger) either on facebook or email me a a2zprints@yahoo.com. Please allow us a week prior to printing, which is the last Sunday of each month for any article, thank you card, or whatever you have have neeed to make known.