At Beech Fork, we believe that the most important ministry is "The Great Commission": to preach and teach the gospel to as many as we can. 

We also know that worship, fellowship, prayer, and the care of the sheep are important to the growth and health of the body of Christ.

What To Expect

Church starts at 10:00 on Sunday morning. You will be greeted at the door with a handshake by our friendly Jones brother twins, with another welcoming handshake as you enter the sanctuary. Everyone gathers first in the sanctuary for a short time of singing and prayer. Then all are dismissed to their Sunday school classes lasting until approximately 10:45. The church service begins at 11:00. Beech Fork has talented singers, musicians, and choir as well as some of the best preaching and teaching that lift up the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many who come testify of feeling the love of the holy spirit like they have never felt it before. The love of our congregation will be evident to all. In these troubled times we believe coming together as a family of God is the best way to navigate through the unprecedented troubles and trials faced in today's world. Come join us!

Service Times

10:00 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service

7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service

7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service

Service Schedule


10/06 - Tom Brown a.m., Doug Brown p.m.

10/13 - Doug Brown a.m., Tom Brown p.m.

10/20 - Greater Vision a.m., (no Sunday School)
Pastor Appreciation Day, Caleb Brown p.m.

10/27 - Tom Brown a.m. (Jeff Dickens Singing), Doug Brown p.m.

Revival: 10/30 - 11/02 @ 7:30 p.m. 11/01 10 a.m. (No Evening Service)


10/02 - Abby Baer

10/09 - Caleb Brown

10/16 - Doug Brown

10/23 - Festival 6-8

10/30 - REVIVAL Darren Lore Preaching, Tate Reed Singing

10/31 - REVIVAL Darren Lore Preaching, Luke & Chelsi Singing

11/01 - REVIVAL Darren Lore Preaching, Lore Family Singing

11/02 - REVIVAL Darren Lore Preaching, Lore Family Singing

What We Believe

We believe in one eternal God who exists as the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who are equal in power and glory.  We believe that God is the creator of all things.  We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God; was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, was buried, rose again the third day and is now ascended into heaven where he intercedes for mankind and will come again to rapture the church.

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that the New Testament is the rule of faith and practice for the church.  We believe that the Holy Ghost indwells in all born again believers and equips them for service to God and the church.

We believe that man is born a sinner and that all men have equal access to salvation according to their own choice; that salvation is given by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and is received by believing in Jesus Christ, repenting from sin, and confessing Him.  We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses men from all sin.

We believe that all born again believers should be baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

We believe in sanctification as a separate experience after conversion.  We believe that the Christian wholly sacrifices his life to God, who then empowers the believer for fuller service to God.  This total consecration brings peace, love, and joy to a new level in their lives.

We believe that a born again believer can fall back into a life of sin and be eternally lost if they fail to repent.

We believe that the church should practice communion and feet washing.

We believe in divine healing.

We believe in the support of the ministries of the church through tithes and offerings.

We believe in a literal hell as the eternal judgment for sinners and eternal life in Heaven for the saints of God.

[ Teens Zip Line Outing ]

[ Children's Christmas Program ]

[ Sopranos Singing in Choir ]

[ 4th of July Fireworks ]

[ Fun at the Fireworks ]

[ Mark Baer's 4th of July Program ]

[ Graduate Sunday ]

[ Mother's Day Flower Winners ]

[ Youth Singing for the Lord ]

[ Teen Hay Ride ]

[ Youth Group ]

[ Introducing Baby's First Time at Church  ]

[ Seniors Christmas Outing ]

[ Dinner at the Lodge ]

[Pippy Joined the Senior Group Outing ]

Preaching Schedule